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3rd Avenue and Downey St
Radford, VA 241414

(540) 639-4419

First Baptist Church on 3rd Avenue is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship church, affirming the call of God upon men and women alike to serve in leadership and as ministers to congregation and world.


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Small Group Study for Adults During Lent

Adults are invited to join a small group study by Max Lucado, who invites us to understand the symbols surrounding Christ's crucifixion and celebrate the significance of the promises they offer.  The study will take place on five Sunday evenings, March 12 through April 9, 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Each week, the author will present material via DVD, followed by group discussion facilitated by Jim Mitchell. Study guides are $10. Please sign up on the tear-off form on the Sunday bulletin.


Earlier Event: March 12
Pat Bond Memorial Service
Later Event: March 16
Amazing Grays Covered Dish Dinner