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3rd Avenue and Downey St
Radford, VA 241414

(540) 639-4419

First Baptist Church on 3rd Avenue is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship church, affirming the call of God upon men and women alike to serve in leadership and as ministers to congregation and world.


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Women's Ministry Initiated

The Women’s Ministry is re-organizing, with a focus on building a community of women to minister to our church family, to grow our faith together, and to share God’s love in the surrounding community. Surveys will handed out to the women in our church on Sundays and Wednesdays from March 11 through March 21. Please contact the church office if you prefer a survey be mailed to you. On Saturday, April 21 at 11:30 am there will be a Kickoff Luncheon with a guest speaker.  This will be a great opportunity to learn more about the women’s ministry, to have any questions answered, and also to sign up to serve along with us. We hope to see you there!